Nothing Fancy, Just a Well Made ​Bracket!
VERDICT BRACKETS is located in Thomas County, GA, USA. We are a small family business dedicated to making the highest quality brackets. We make each bracket one-at-at time by hand, so quality is always at the top of our list. If you are not 100 percent satisfied within 30 days of your purchase, simply contact us and let us know whether you would like a new item, or a refund. It's that simple.
As crazy as it sounds, we started VERDICT BRACKETS as a result of not being able to find some quality gun hooks to fit our needs. We only needed like 10 sets, but Bass Pro, Cabbella's, Wal-Mart, heck, no one seemed to have a heavy duty well made bracket. I saw all of the smaller stuff online on Amazon, Ebay and so on, but none of it was to my liking. Soooooo, I just made my own. Simply put, friends and fellow gun owners saw them and wanted some for themselves. So that's it. Nothing fancy, just well made Heavy Duty Brackets.
Thank you for your time,

No Nonsense & Functional​​
Satisfaction Guarantee​​
VERDICT BRACKETS are Hand Made, one at at time in South Georgia. Each bracket is crafted in our shop in a complete hands on process. Any mistake, failure, or imperfection is junked. Only the brackets that make it through the whole process make it to the shipping room. There, they are inspected a final time to make sure it is up to our cosmetic standards before packaging. "Laser Precision" is not a requirement for a great bracket, but then again, the hand made process was never intended to be.
All VERDICT BRACKETS are backed by a money back Guarantee. If you don't like your brackets, they are damaged upon delivery, or don't properly fit your firearm, simply contact us and we will set things right for you. Your hard earned money deserves a well made and quality product! We intend to make sure you get what you pay for. ​​

Each Gun Hook starts with a hands on approach to everything!
Each piece of steel is carefully ground one at a time to take off knicks, burrs, and to round the corners for a nice look and finish. We could purchase our steel from China pre-cut and ground and save money and produce a cheaper product financially. The problem is, it would also be a cheaper product in quality. That's unacceptable.
American Steel, American Labor, and Hand Made quality is what makes a VERDICT BRACKET the best on the market!
Hands on Each and Every Gun Hook and Hanger!
To make each bracket, all of the fastener holes must be individually at a time. Then, we countersink them so that the screw or fastener is recessed into the bracket. This prevents scratching or nicking of your valuable firearm. If you have a brass casing mounted, it's back to the drill press again so that we get a secure bond to the brass.
Yep, that's me running that press!

12 Gauge Brass Edition

Muzzle Loader Brackets