This Father built and awesome shadow box for his son's 30-30 using our brackets. Nice Job and Nice Gun too!
Aug 08, 2017
What the Heck is This? Well, one fine fellow had an old box designed to be moved from horse stall to horse stall and hung on the side of the stall. The original brackets had broken. He sent me some pictures, and I modified to the hooks to his liking. He said the hook holes lined up with the holes in the box as if you had drilled the boxes and the hooks at the same time!
What the Heck is This? Well, one fine fellow had an old box designed to be moved from horse stall to horse stall and hung on the side of the stall. The original brackets had broken. He sent me some pictures, and I modified to the hooks to his liking. He said the hook holes lined up with the holes in the box as if you had drilled the boxes and the hooks at the same time!